Lost world
A Bosnian Family History
Een Bosnische familiegeschiedenis
Cossee Publishers, Amsterdam, 2014, 336 pages
The Hidden Order
A Journey of Exploration Along the Prime Meridian
- De Verborgen Ordening
- Een ontdekkingsreis langs de nulmeridiaan
- Cossee Publishers, Amsterdam, 2010, 397 pages
- Verlangen
- Cossee Publishers, Amsterdam, 2002, 237 pages
The Lost Island
Alone Among the Fruitful and Multiplying
- The lost Island
- Alone among the Fruitful and Multiplying
- Metropolitan Books, New York, 2004, 244 pages
The Lost World of the Berberović Family
- De verloren wereld van de familie Berberović
- Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1994 and 1999, 304 pages